Saturday, April 23, 2011

betulkah STARbUCK Haram

adakah ini benar???? . STARBUCK telah disahkan haram oleh JAKIM.
 Berikut di bawah penjelasannya, 
Please note that all chocolate, vanilla and coffee drinks at Coffee Bean and Starbuck 
contains E471 (Emulsifier 471)

mono di-glycefideswhich is from animal origin (pork).

Raspberry Frap uses cherries that has been dip n alcohol 

the tiramisu contains RUM

Ihsan google

ihsan google

Please pass this message toour muslim friends. 

aq pn xtau mo ckp apa.....betul kah tidak berita ni....hanya TUHAN saja Tahu.......
coz aq pn selalu jg lepak coffee bean n starbuck....lepak sama2 jak kita cr jawapan...


Ola said...

betul ka x?
sebab...ce cek cni, ce cek ->

IZWAN8389 said...

aq pn cuma terbaca jak statement ni....