Saturday, October 29, 2011

For Her!!

Sekarang tengah merancang mencari present for her....
Sep her.......sendiri mo tau lh eehhee...
Kekasih hati ku M**** M**** M****

so suggestion aq for her.....
Perfume atau nama scientific nya Fragrance  ler.......
memandangkan dia minat guna skg ANNA SUI Secret Wish
kemungkinan bg dia  ni kot....coz aq da survey di labuan...
coz that y aq pigi labuan semata2 mo cari present utk dia for Xmas....

if not  ini kot aq bg dia hehehe

lagi pn bukan selalu aq bg dia present hehee...
aq dgn dia pn masuk 4 tahun uda sama2....
so hope she happy lh..jgn dia tau pla heeheh

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nikon d400 & Nikon d800

i got listen about the rumor about the nikon D400, D800,D4 and D4x....
Nikon D4 and Nikon D800 which we have got some tentative information,
the specs for te other models are pure conjecture...... 


D400 (replaces Nikon D300S)
Sensor size23.6 x 15.6mm DX format
Sensor typeCMOS sensor
Sensor resolution16.2 megapixels
ISO SensitivityISO 200 to ISO 12800 (Extendable to 102400)
Continuous Burst Speed7fps (9fps with Battery Grip)
Focus SystemMulti-CAM 3500FX 51-point AF
Video ModeFull HD 1920x1080p (24, 25, 30, 50, 60fps) with Stereo sound & AF
LCD3-inch (921k dots) VGA LCD


D800 (replaces Nikon D700)
Sensor size36.0 x 23.9mm Full Frame FX format
Sensor typeCMOS sensor
Sensor resolution16.2 megapixels
ISO SensitivityISO 200 to ISO 12800 (Extendable to 102400)
Continuous Burst Speed6fps (8fps in DX mode)
Focus SystemMulti-CAM 3500FX 51-point AF
Video ModeFull HD 1920x1080p (24, 25, 30, 50, 60fps) with Stereo sound & AF
LCD3-inch (921k dots) VGA LCD


D4 (replaces Nikon D3S)
Sensor size36.0 x 23.9mm Full Frame FX format
Sensor typeCMOS sensor
Sensor resolution16.2 megapixels
ISO SensitivityISO 200 to ISO 12800 (Extendable to 102400)
Continuous Burst Speed9fps (11fps in DX mode)
Focus SystemMulti-CAM 3500FX 51-point AF
Video ModeFull HD 1920x1080p (24, 25, 30, 50, 60fps) with Stereo sound & AF
LCD3-inch (921k dots) VGA LCD

D4X (replaces Nikon D3X)
Sensor size36.0 x 23.9mm Full Frame FX format
Sensor typeCMOS sensor
Sensor resolution24.5 megapixels
ISO SensitivityISO 200 to ISO 6400 (Extendable to 25600)
Continuous Burst Speed5fps (7fps in DX mode)
Focus SystemMulti-CAM 3500FX 51-point AF
Video ModeFull HD 1920x1080p (24, 25, 30, 50, 60fps) with Stereo sound & AF
LCD3-inch (921k dots) VGA LCD

source by:Digital review

Saturday, October 22, 2011

KeAkhiran Kebalikan Kesabahan

punya happy..................
akhirnya aq blk kk juga...
so cweet....wakakakakak..phuuuuuuuiiiiiii........
nasib sem ni aq xda exam.....
tp next lh aq akan berperang hahaha...
cuti kali ni ok...biar pn ada kerja FYP yg perlu disiap kan...........

kemungkinan besar blog aq akan terbengkalai....
coz kemungkinan aq akan kerja PART TIME....
depend....maybe di Shangri-la tg aru....
or cari ofis....
or ikut bus aq kerja......
tgk situation.........

hope rancangan aq mo naik GUNUNG KINABALU tercapai lg....
that why mo cari kerja hahahahaa......
mo cari income lebih...
blh juga bikin berjoli2 wakakakakakakakkaakkakak

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spontaneous Thursday




Saturday, October 15, 2011

Edit Pic lagi!!

ModeL:bunga Taik AYAM 


model: KaK SaRa

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CuTi SeMesTeR

Cuti sem akan aq tempuhi bermula 22 Oktober 2011....
kemungkinan SEMESTER BREAK kali ni lama skit....
ada rumour ckp cuti bg program degree untill Febuari...
aduyai...lamanya aq blk jak lh..
tggu khabar angin 2 betul kah x jak.....
Aku balik on 22 Oktober 2011
jam aq smpai di kk dlm jam 9 juga lh....
yeeepiiiii.....senangnya dlm hati....coz dpt blk lg...

credit to google x dpt pegi pula STOMPIN SABAH......
yg sepatutnya aq pegi on 14-15 oktober ni.....
manyak rugi wooooo...xpa....hope ada lg hehehe.....

stompin sabah

So aktviti masa cuti ni........
dlm rancangan aq naik GUNUNG KINABALU....
ada mo join jom hehehee.....
hope xda aral melintang nnt program ni....

credit to google

aktiviti kedua yg akan aq buat ialah
KERJA lh..apa lg....cuti kan lama...
di samping 2 kena siapkan FINAL YEAR PROJECT....
cuti tu cuti juga...but FYP kena selesaikan juga.....
ada 6 chapter report lg perlu di buat hhuhuhu....

credit to google

aktiviti seterusnya mcm besa lh.....
masuk LABUAN......
itupn kalo aq x jd kerja....
so aq ikut jak lh bos aq..tolong dia....
dpt juga juga beli cuklat n bisness cuklat ni hahahahhaha

credit to google

so apa2 pn tggu aq smpai SABAH dulu baru boleh cerita...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 12

Nike Air Max 90 Hyperfuse

Adidas Zx800

DC AT-3 Aerotech

Monday, October 10, 2011


Nama Penuh yg diberi oleh Famili aq: Izwan Harjan Shah...
di lahirkan di kudat pada 8 March 1989...
So nama samaran or nama kampungan yg di bagi oleh kedua famili aq dr
 sebelah bapa kena panggil OMEL...
sebelah mama pla kena panggil OMEN...
aq pn xtau kenapa kena panggil nama OMEL n OMEN ni...x fhm aq hahahhaa..

si OMEN 1 tahun

so aq tanya mama kenapa kena pggil  OMEL n OMEN..
mama aq ckp kunun aq ni masa kecik Chomel..
Chomel???? komen....kamurang sendiri fikir lh heheh..chomel kah aq ni hehee

mama aq ckp lg aq ni tyme kecik2 kuat mkn CUKULAT.....
apa pla kaitan dgn CUKULAT....musykil2....aiyakk.....
apa yg aq fikir mengkali aq ni kuat bergaya hahaha..tgk jak pic ni hahaha...

si Omen 5 tahun

kesimpulannya nama samaran Si OMEN yg kena bg masa kecik2..
still melekat smpai sikarang....
termasuk lah kekasih gelap ku si dot2 panggil OMEN..
di WSB pn pggil aq OMEN.....
itu lh nama ku SI OMEN......

si Omen 22 tahun